Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Power of 26.2 miles

I finished a marathon. What a great phrase to be able to say. On September 20 I ran the Top of Utah Marathon in Logan. I felt like I could conquer the world after completing that marathon. Although my time was slow I had reached my goal and had fun along the way. I met great people and learned that completing a marathon is an amazingly unique experience. Last week I ran the Salt Lake City Marathon. I was nervous coming into it because my training had suffered through the winter. However, I am proud to declare that I have finished two marathons.
My favorite thing about the marathon is the power you get from the other participants. I love talking to people along the way asking them how they are feeling or what made them get out of bed at four am to run a marathon. People's motivation is astounding, I felt honored to be running along participants who were pushing themselves to go beyond their limit. I have learned that a marathon could not be completed without the support of family and friends. I am grateful for everyone who offered their encouragement when my confidence was struggling. Thanks to Geoff for helping me through the last six miles. I really could not have finished twenty minutes faster without your help. The power in finishing 26.2 miles is incredible I know that the strength that I had to finish was an answer to many prayers. I am a marathoner!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! 2 marathons under your belt! You are becoming a super hero! I'm not sure what super heros run marathons, but you'll be the first! Super speed, super awesomeness, SUPER AVERY! Love ya lady!